Values-aligned, woman-owned & independent.
Thoughtfully-made custom outdoor gear and repairs.
This is a passion-driven, home-grown, hard-working brand. You don’t have to bike the fastest or ski the gnarliest; we want to outfit whatever adventure you can conjure up. Sew Alpine products are hand-crafted in Durango, CO to support everyone’s interest in getting outside while treading lightly on the planet.
bike bags + Pogies
Road, gravel, singletrack and long-distance: we’ve got you covered.
rescue tarps + notebook covers
Tools to support smart decision-making in the backcountry.
dog Boots + Poop Bags + Training pouches
They’re our best friends. They should have the best gear.
repairs + alterations
Before you throw out that jacket, get it fixed! Breathe new life into your gear and reduce your carbon footprint.